Diagnostic Digital X-Ray

Diagnostic Digital X-Ray

Digital x-ray also known as digital radiography is the most modern form of taking x-rays. Digital x-ray uses an x-ray machine to generate pictures but instead of using a piece of film to capture the image like old traditional x-ray, digital x-ray uses a digital sensor to capture the image. This picture is then converted into a picture that is digital and can be viewed immediately on a computer. This allows the doctor to immediately look at the picture and determine whether or not the quality of the picture is adequate to use as a diagnostic tool to help determine what is wrong. The doctor will use the computer to adjust and enhance the pictures to the greatest quality possible.

The benefits of using a digital x-ray are many. One of the most immediate and obvious benefits is that the picture is able to be viewed immediately. There is no delay waiting for chemical processing which can take a significant amount of time. Because of the delay in non-modern x-ray processing, the patient has to wait around for the pictures to process to be certain that the image is of high enough quality to be used for diagnosing. However, with state-of-the-art digital x-rays, the doctor can immediately look at the pictures and see as to whether or not they turned out properly. This way the patient spends less time waiting in the doctor’s office and is able to get on with their day more rapidly.

Another benefit is that the pictures are much clearer than a traditional x-ray. Often times with old style x-ray the image is foggy and not very clear. This makes it much more difficult to read the x-ray and more difficult to see the area of injury, degeneration, arthritis or any other issue that may be contributing to your condition.

Digital x-ray machines are also much cleaner and safer for the environment. Older style x-rays required the use of a number of chemicals in order to process the films. This meant that there were a lot of chemicals that could potentially get into the environment, soil and water and cause harm and damage and any number of environmental problems. Fortunately with digital x-rays there is not the same concern over the use of chemicals as with the older style x-rays.

One very important feature of the digital x-ray is the fact that digital x-rays use much less radiation to create the picture than do traditional older-style x-rays. This is important because most of the time multiple pictures need to be taken and sometimes even follow-up pictures need to be taken. So, by using modern digital x-rays, we are able to provide very high quality pictures with the least amount of radiation possible.

Finally, there is one last VERY important benefit to using the digital x-rays that we use over the traditional old-style of x-rays. That is the fact that with digital x-rays pictures we are able to use a number of computerized enhancements to make the picture as crystal clear and readable as possible. This allows the most accurate view of the body and gives the doctor the best chance of detecting problems.
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